Positive Connection
Connection…what would life be like without connection. Connection to the people we love, to our communities, to the ground we walk on and the air we breath and the living things who share our planet. Connection to our past, and to our future. We are inextricably connected to one another whether we know it or not. And whether we like it or not.
My first attempt at a blog started in October 2016 when I introduced my circle to my wife. I shared stories about our lives as we learned to navigate the world as wives instead of as husband and wife. I wrote about challenges that were rooted in the hatred and misunderstanding that surrounds marginalized people, and how we needed to stick together and help each other as much as possible. While there were abundant stories of love, acceptance, kindness, and beauty, there was also negativity that could not be escaped. Now in January 2025 many of the gains that were made as a society in the past few years have been ripped away and the negativity has blown up exponentially.
That brings me to the point of starting up a new blog. A new spot where I focus on nothing but the beauty of our lives. I want to share progress on my quilts, new recipes that we love, sourdough bread successes (and failures), gardening tricks, glorious sunsets, and of course, pictures and stories about the dogs. What I am not writing about is the ongoing, escalating vitriol and hate that permeates every inch of our social media and news these days. We are inundated with negativity, constantly, incessantly. It’s too much, it’s unhealthy, it serves no purpose but to inflame our emotions, divide people, and deliberately build factions that will fight each other. In my mind, the root of all this craziness is the pursuit of money and power. I’m over it, and I refuse to throw fuel on that fire. I plan to refocus on what is truly important to me and my family. I would love to hear from all of you about what you would like to read about, too. And yes, I said read. I don’t plan to record videos, at least for now. I’m not convinced that anyone wants to watch or listen to the random activities that make up daily life around here. Do you really want to watch one more person baking sourdough bread or pulling weeds? Maybe you do, let me know! For now, just read something, for goodness sake. Books, blogs, journal articles, anything with more than 1000 characters. It’s good for you!
I’ll leave it here for now, hoping you’ll follow along with me on my relentless search for the positivity that enriches our lives through connection, conversation, shared experiences, and above all love and kindness. Peace.