Memory Quilts

I’ve only made a few memory quilts, and they are both my favorite and least favorite quilts to make. Knit material is not fun to me, it requires extra steps and attention, lots can go wrong. And when you are working with a finite set of materials that cannot be replaced, it adds a layer of stress.

What I appreciate about memory quilts, though, is that someone trusted me enough to hand over materials that mean something to them, to cut them up, sew them back together, and turn them into something that will keep the memories alive for them. Shirts, dresses, and other pieces that all hold treasured memories of loved ones, thoughts of vacations and graduations, births, birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, and yes, deaths. Every time I start sorting through a box of shirts, I stop and wonder about where they were purchased and why they were treasured by their owner. Concert t-shirts, school sports shirts, statement shirts, funny, silly, serious, and always loved and worn. I always think twice before I start cutting, making sure I am not wasting anything if I can help it. I want to respect each and every piece, hoping I’m making the right choices.

The project on my table now is coming along nicely, but I am not posting pictures of any of the logos on the shirts as I go along. These are not my memories to share. Once it is finished and delivered to its owner, they will decide to share or keep the memories to themselves. My responsibility to them is to take the box of clothes once worn by a loved one and create something that will make them laugh or smile or cry, or maybe all of those in turn, but the quilt will always give them comfort and warmth.

I’ve made a couple of quilts for our house that we absolutely love. I made this quilt from my wife’s old clothes and it is on our bed year round. It’s probably my favorite one, ever.

quilt with blocks shaped like the letter H and made from black, gray, blue, and pink materials on a white background

Quilt with blocks made with black, blue, gray, and pink material on a white background. The blocks in the shape of the letter H made of old shirts and the inside of the H made of new pink squares.

Today was a holiday, so I had the day off. I spent the entire day cutting, sewing, pressing, trimming, and all the blocks for the my recent project are complete. Next up, I will put them all together in rows and columns, with sashings made of bright pink strips of material that a friend’s mother gave me. That gift is an entire post all by itself, I’ll write that one soon!

Knit fabric may not be easy or my favorite, and these quilts may take me a long time to finish, but I am deeply honored to be entrusted with the memories of a lifetime. I’d love to hear about your memory quilts. Send me pictures and stories!


Smiles, Big and Small

